become a vendor
Booth Information
Booth spaces are limited and categories tend to sell out. Early applications are recommended. Please check the relevant application and read the policies & procedures before committing.
Booth spaces are 10' x 10'
Location: Historic District, Occoquan, Virginia
Vendor parking varies by show
Makers & Creators Category: All work must be original, handmade, and created by the artist. No t-shirts, imported merchandise or any resale items are allowed in this category. Vendors acknowledge the handcrafted nature of their own products by completing this application. Early entrants’ artwork may be featured in promotional materials.
Direct Sales/Commercial: Direct Sales reps and independent designers with ethically sourced or lightly manufactured goods that fit into the show aesthetic should also submit in this category. Note: Commercial product vendors must have tangible products (not services) for sale at the event.
Town Business: This category is for those who operate a business within the Town of Occoquan’s corporate limits and have a current business license.
Food Truck Category: Submit in this category if you cook and serve food from a completely self-contained food truck.
Food Tent Category: Apply in this category if you want to cook and serve food for consumption on the premises. This category includes a $200 refundable clean-up fee, payable at the time of application. Note: This category does not include selling prepackaged foods that are not cooked and served on site for immediate consumption.)
Non-Profit Category: Non-profit organizations may be permitted to exhibit at no cost, but must first apply for booth space. Space is not necessarily guaranteed and wholly dependent on any open spaces available. No spaces will be allotted for political parties. One space per non-profit. Organizations will be contacted 6 weeks in advance of the show with any confirmation.
Junior Entrepreneurs: Aged 16 and under junior business owners may be considered for booth space at our shows at a reduced rate. Limited spaces are available and entries will be juried. Interested parties should contact the director at
Early applications are recommended. Booth spaces are limited and tend to close early in popular categories. A waitlist may be available in some categories.
In-town parking is available for $75. Space is limited.
See the applications for more specific show information.

Registration Details
Applicants are subject to the jury process on a first come, first served basis and considered regularly until the category is full.
To be accepted into the Crafter/Artist category, all work must be original, handmade, and created by the artist. (Applicants acknowledge the handcrafted nature of their own products by completing the application.) Jury photos may be used in promotional materials.
The screening panel makes its determination on the basis of the artist’s application and images.
Jurying criteria includes artistic quality, uniqueness, and craftsmanship.
Please allow 30 days for the selection process.
Registration is not complete without submitted photos, full payment, and a signed application.
Checklist to Apply
Submit 4 photos: 3 photos of your work, 1 photo of your display space. Photos are accepted electronically via the application.
Images should accurately represent only the work that will be sold/displayed.
Please note any specific requests that you may have on the application form. Requests are considered, but not guaranteed.
​Booth Payment
Payment for the space completes your application.
Vendor fee is non-refundable unless the application is not accepted, or the event is cancelled due to conditions related to health and safety.
Pay by Check/Money Order:
Checks will be deposited upon receipt, but this does not necessarily indicate acceptance into the market.
Check/money order should be made out to "Town of Occoquan."
A $35 fee will be charged each time a check is returned for insufficient funds.
Mail payment to Town of Occoquan, P.O. Box 195, Occoquan, VA 22125.
Pay in person at Occoquan Town Hall, 314 Mill Street, Occoquan, VA 22125.
Checks will be accepted for payment up to two weeks before the event date. After that, credit card, cash, or cashier’s check are required.
Pay by Credit/Debit Card:
Pay online when you fill out your application or call 703-491-1918 to pay via phone.
A 3% non-refundable service fee is added, when paying via credit or debit card both online and via phone.​